and and and

I am back form Italy- and had a really great time. I flew into Milan, and then took a train to Florence, where I met up with Laura. Her apartment was so cute, and we spent a fair amount of time out on her terrace. We did alot of walking around, and hanging out. It was a nice and relaxed trip. We did go to Cinque Terre for a night, and hiked some, and spent a day on the beach (i may have gotten a little too much sun). Every single thing I ate was delicious, and we got gelato several times. Wine at every meal- and it was sooo yummy. I baked a good old fashion american chocolate cake for the girls while I was there, because they had just finished their last semester. You can see all my pictures on my flickr, but here are my favs.


Joshua Grace said…
that looks amazing!
Jer said…
Manarola! I rented a room in that picture for two nights. Cinque terre is one of my favorite places. : )