30 days of thanks

So it's been a year since I moved away from my friends, and closer to my family. It's been a year since I came to Portland, for really reasons I can't explain, or even really remember. Coming up on a year since I met adam, and broke my one year challenge to take the risk of getting into another relationship.

When I was younger, my mom got me a journal, and told me I had to write 5 things I'm thankful for every day in it. At the time I didn't want to, and didn't really get the significance of what it meant. With all the muck of life, I'm feeling weighed down, and I haven't been able to see the good things. Starting Dec 1st, I want to do a 30 days of Thanks here on my blog. I want to commit to writing for 30 days either on top of other posts, or by itself, 5 things I'm thankful for, or 5 things that are good in my life.

Hopefully I can discern a new 1 year challenge in the next month as well. And hopefully keep it in 2011. Twenty Eleven doesn't sound as good as Twenty Ten.

do you want to take the challenge with me? Do you want to be thankful and see the good for a month?
