Poppa Sam

My grandparents, Grandma Behr and Poppa Sam (their last name is Behr!!) live in FL and I try to come hang out with them at least once a year. This was one of the more low key trips, we just hung out, ate food and laid on the beach. My grandpa is very special to me, and even though we're not related in any actual way (he is my step-mom's, step-dad) I feel the closest to him in many ways. I feel like he gets me, and I don't even have to say a word. We had a secret language growing up that I always forget about until I come visit, and then I feel like I'm 5 again. I found this old (few years ago) picture today when I was at the beach house and just loved it. My poppa is also some what of a local celebrity here in FL...


Siobhan said…
um, he's amazing. also, matt gerig should see those. he sells tires and he told me a story once that reminded me of that second commercial!
Bess Anne said…
I was just thinking... "This is Matt when he grows up--- and I love it."